SG-4162AD Digital High Frequency Signal Generator 100KHz-150MHz Function Signal Generator

Voltage : 110V

Product Description

Type: High frequency signal generator
Model: SG-4162AD
Dimensions: 310(W) x 100(H) x 260(D)mm
Weight: 4 (kg)


1. Signal generator frequency range 100KHz~150MHz
2. 8-digit number showing the frequency of internal or external signals
3. Built-in frequency meter, can measure external signal frequency 10Hz~150MHz
4. Internal and external modulation
5. Sine waveform output, and amplitude adjustable

Instructions for Use

1. Ready to operate
1) The power switch is set to “Off”.
2) Connect the power cord and plug in the plug.
3) Connect the high-frequency signal output line to the “output” terminal.
4) Select the frequency range and adjust the frequency knob to achieve the desired frequency.
5) The output line should be as short as possible to avoid unwanted noise. Long shielded lines reduce the frequency response of high frequency bands, especially when using square waves.
2. connection
When the signal line is connected to the output, the red line is high (or fire line), and the black line is ground and connected to the chassis.
If the high frequency signal is to be connected to the antenna input of the receiver, a 50 to 200 Ω resistor should be connected in series. If receiving with a rod antenna, connect a coil of several turns around the test line to couple the signal to the antenna.
When detecting high frequency and intermediate frequency amplifying circuits, a small capacitance of 1-5pF is passed in the middle to avoid detuning.
Note: When connecting the test circuit directly, make sure that there is no high DC voltage in the circuit under test. Otherwise, a capacitor of 0.05μF-100pF capacitor can be connected in series according to the frequency.

Technical Parameters

A) High frequency signal generator
Frequency range: A 100KHz - 300KHz / B 300KHz -1000KHz / C 1MHz -3.2MHz / D 3.0MHz -10MHz / E 10MHz - 35MHz / F 32MHz -150MHz (3rd harmonic reaches 450MHz)
Frequency accuracy: Reading accuracy is three decimal places
High frequency output: 100mVrms, (approx. 35MHz)
Output control: 0dB/20dB and fine-tuning
Modulation: Internal 1KHz / External 50Hz–20KHz, (less than 1Vrms)
Audio output: 1KHz (fixed), minimum 1Vrms
Power supply: 220Vac ± 10% 50Hz

B) Frequency meter
Frequency range: low frequency 10Hz to 10MHz / high frequency 10MHz to 150MHz
Input voltage: less than 50mV
Maximum input voltage: less than 3V RMS
Gate time: 1s
Accuracy: low frequency 1Hz / high frequency 10Hz
Input impedance: low frequency 1MΩ / high frequency 50Ω
Working temperature: 0 to 40°C

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SG-4162AD Digital High Frequency Signal Generator 100KHz-150MHz Function Signal Generator
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